As a family following Jesus, we take our responsibility to look after one another very seriously, just like He did. We do everything we can to ensure anyone that interacts with Grace Church is loved and protected. This particularly applies to those that might otherwise be more vulnerable, like children or adults with need of extra care or support. This also extends to protecting everyone’s privacy and data. Below you can find out more about safeguarding. You can find our privacy notice here.
Our staff and the volunteers that serve Grace Church work hard to create a safe environment for everyone. We are committed to the wellbeing and safety of everyone which is why safeguarding is a priority for us. You can view our safeguarding policy statement here. Please report any concerns using the button below.
We have 3 designated safeguarding leads as part of our paid staff team. They are responsible for overseeing any safeguarding concerns that arise in three specific areas: vulnerable adults, kids, youth.
- Tim is our designated adult safeguarding lead and is the point of contact for any safeguarding concerns relating to vulnerable adults.
- Ashley is our designated Youth safeguarding lead and is the point of contact for any safeguarding concerns relating to young people (School years 7-13).
- Claudia is our designated child safeguarding lead and is the point of contact for any safeguarding concerns relating to children.
Jeremy Walker is the safeguarding trustee working with the safeguarding team. The team work closely together and would be happy to discuss safeguarding isssues. If you have a safeguarding concern about a child, young person or vulnerable adult then please report it using the button below.
Finally, Grace Church Nottingham is also registered with Thirtyone:eight, a Christian safeguarding charity. If we have any safeguarding concerns we will always seek professional advice from their team.
— Tim (Adult safeguarding lead)
— Ashley (Youth safeguarding lead)
— Claudia (Child safeguarding lead)
For more information about our policies or any other questions regarding Grace Church please pop us an email at