Our Values

Every church will feel slightly different, so with this in mind we've created the list below to give you an idea of what makes us the way that we are. It isn’t necessarily an exhaustive list or a statement of belief but these ten cultural values express the things that are important to us.

We Believe

The Bible is God’s Word and it speaks to us today. Everything we believe comes from seeing who God is through scripture, so we use it and preach from it in order to know God more.

We Worship

We were made to glorify God, so we prioritise worshipping Him when we meet together, making space for the gifts of the Holy Spirit to be used to encourage us as we celebrate Him.

We Encounter

Jesus has called us to experience a living relationship with him through the presence of the Holy Spirit. Through his dynamic power, he speaks to us, guides us and changes us.

We Pray

In all circumstances, we know our heavenly Father delights to hear our prayers and will provide for us. We are growing in the disciplines of prayer and fasting to become more like Jesus.

We Welcome

We all have a need to find a place where we belong. Through relationship, support and hospitality, we make sure everyone knows they are welcome and valued in our diverse family.

We Grow

We encourage, inspire and challenge one another to grow to become more like Jesus. As we love one another, we become the disciple-making community that Jesus has called us to be.

We Give

Everything we have is a gift from God. Giving our money generously is a recognition that we have received true riches from heaven, as well as providing resources for God’s mission on earth.

We Serve

Jesus showed us that true joy comes through putting others’ needs before our own. We give our time and talents to play our part in church life and to serve the most vulnerable in Nottingham.

We Speak

Jesus commissioned us to spread the good news of his life, death and resurrection. We fulfil his mission by speaking to people about Jesus and by praying for miraculous signs to accompany us.

We Send

Our calling extends beyond the borders of this city. We are committed to developing and sending teams of people to preach the gospel and start churches across the UK and beyond.

If you would like more information about what we believe, we're part of the Evangelical Alliance and you can read their basis of faith here.

If you’d like to get in touch or ask any questions just email us hello@gracechurchnottingham.org

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© 2024 Grace Church Nottingham | Site by Visual Advance | Registered in England and Wales: company no. 10973272 / charity no. 1175373 | Grace Church Nottingham is a member of the Evangelical Alliance | Privacy Notice